2. Borith Lake Hunza

Taking the Karakoram Highway will take you there in no time. At the nearby restaurant/cafe, you can take a refreshment break, enjoy walking, wildlife spotting, or just spend some time enjoying this peaceful and delightful setting.

According to some other reviews, the time of year you visit the lake will determine the quality of your lake experience. In May, the color of the water was like a lake, and I was enchanted by its beauty.

It has been a pleasure for me to visit Borith Lake twice before, and I do so every time I visit Passu. During the drive there, you will pass through hairpin turns on a small dirt road. My pleasant surprise was finding that the previously off-road road had now been upgraded to a carpeted, smooth road. Approximately 15 minutes are required from Hussaini village to reach the lake.

Peace and tranquility have always been a feature of Borith Lake. It offers a tranquil ambiance with soothing bird sounds and stunning mountain scenery. Migration of ducks and other migratory birds from Eastern Europe takes place in the spring around the lake.

Hotel rooms are available nearby, but I’ve never stayed there. In this serene location, visitors may stay the night if they wish. There is no better place to observe birds than this small lake.

 On the lake there is a restaurant and tea stop that is excellent for a quick break from the day’s activities. Additionally, there are some rooms available. Mountain views from there are limited, but lovely. Visiting the Passu glacier past the lake and walking to its edge is a rare opportunity – you are literally walking on a glacier.

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